
Also known as: furlong, stadial, stadium

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connection with stadium

  • Michigan Stadium, Ann Arbor
    In stadium

    …Greek unit of measurement, the stade, the distance covered in the original Greek footraces (about 600 feet [180 metres]). The course for the footrace in the ancient Olympic Games at Olympia was exactly a stade in length, and the word for the unit of measurement became transferred first to the…

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history of Olympic Games

  • ancient Olympic Games
    In Olympic Games: Competition and status

    The race, known as the stade, was about 192 meters (210 yards) long. The word stade also came to refer to the track on which the race was held and is the origin of the modern English word stadium. In 724 bce a two-length race, the diaulos, roughly similar to…

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measurement systems

  • In measurement system: Greeks and Romans

    …measures were the furlong or stade (stadium), the mile (mille passus), and the league (leuga). The stade consisted of 625 Roman feet (185 metres or 606.9 feet), or 125 paces, and was equal to one-eighth of a mile. The mile was 5,000 Roman feet (1,480 metres or 4,856 feet) or…

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